Company Video: 
About Us: 

Video Games / Cinematics

Majors Recruiting: 

  • CS

Preferred Skills: 

I recruit for SFD, the Story and Franchise Development Team here at Blizzard. We work on all the Cinematics. Here are some of the skills we look for...

Programming Languages - Python, C, and C++. Pick an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) appropriate for that language, like PyCharm/Visual Studio Code/CLion/Visual Studio.

Game Engines - Unity and Unreal will help even though we use a proprietary engine.

Other Software Packages - Houdini, Maya, 3dsmax, Substance Designer, Mari, Katana, Nuke.

Operating platforms - Linux and Windows operating systems.
Knowing some standard terms and methodologies in both Linux and Windows would help too. Virtualization, such as VMWare, VirtualBox.

Positions Hiring: 

Unfortunately, at this time we do not have any openings on the Cinematics Team, but I would like to make connections for the future.

We have some openings on the Game Teams... I don't recruit for those, but they can be found on our career site (link provided).

Office at the Event: 


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